As the books that come to us can be seasonally overwhelming, we may not be able to process all your enquiries.
As our buy in rates are somewhat low, it may not be worth it to make the trip to sell the books to us and we only recommend doing so if you happen to be in the area.
To help you with the filtering process, here are some criteria for the books that we automatically reject:
Tattered, torn, obviously defaced, library-tagged, severely yellowed, wet, moldy
Title too faded/not visible on front cover or spine
Free for distribution
Irrelevant (ie textbooks/guides that fall out of syllabus or require
constant software updates)
Sing-along books with/without CDs
Translated manga (except Pokemon)
Subscription magazines
Coloring/Sticker books that have been used
Assessment books printed more than 3 years ago from date.
After filtering, please email a group image of the books to sell to staff.evernew@gmail.com, or to our Whatsapp number at +6585950730 and we will try to get back to you on them soonest possible. Do note that due to peak hours, we may not always be able to reply your messages immediately and we seek your kind understanding in this.